Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases
Type de stage
Expérimental Description
Recently, a new type of clock has been proposed: the active clock using superradiant lasing. Instead of shining a very stable laser onto ultracold atoms to probe the atom resonance frequency (and thus measure time), the clock would operate by letting the atoms themselves emit light. The light coherence will be set by a collective synchronization of the atomic dipoles with each other - a process called superradiance. Thus, in addition to its significance as a new clock architecture, this system is interesting from a fundamental point of view: it is an example of an open-dissipative system in which correlations of quantum nature may naturally arise.
We have built a prototype for such a cold-atom-based superradiant laser. We want to tackle the unresolved issue of sustaining continuously a superradiant emission. The construction of the apparatus is completed. Throughout the PhD project, we will investigate the light properties to understand how the emitters synchronize their oscillations, and how the light coherence is related to correlations between all atomic emitters. Our experiment will have the unique capability to explore several distinct superradiant emission regimes, that will be identified through the spectral and correlation properties of the light and of the atoms. In collaboration with metrology experts, we will contribute to assessing the metrological interest (i.e., “performance” criteria to act as a clock) of atomic-beam continuous superradiant lasers.
Martin Robert de Saint Vincent