Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Type de stage
Expérimental Description
Optical levitation of particles in vacuum, offering excellent isolation from the environment, is a unique
platform for the study of fundamental interactions [1], thermodynamics of nano-systems [2], or
quantum physics at macro scales [3].
In that context, the opportunity to scale this system is particularly attractive to extend the capability
of the system, by providing a unique opportunity to observe quantum entanglement between massive
particles, to study anomalous energy flux at the nanoscale, or extend the sensibility of weakly
interacting particles (WIMPS) detectors.
The proposed internship aimed at developing a system to optically levitate multiple particles. This
system will be based on the optical tweezer setup we developed in the lab over the last few years.
The objective of the internship will then be to trap two particles and characterize their interactions,
both optical and electrostatics. These interactions will then be used to study energy exchange
between the coupled particles.
The developed setup will serve as a basis to study anomalous energy flux at the nanoscale and
quantum interaction between levitated massive particles.
The candidate should have a strong interest in experimental physics and know at least one of the
topics: nano-optics and photonics, atomic physics, stochastic physics. An interest in instrumentation
is a plus.
Loïc Rondin