Internship and thesis proposals
Entanglement, fluctuations and universality

Condensed matter
High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Understanding, describing, and quantifying the behavior of physical systems hinges on the ability to predict and measure physically meaningful quantities. One particularly effective procedure involves selecting a subsystem, typically by choosing a simple spatial region, and analyzing the scaling behavior of a probe as the subsystem becomes large. This approach has proven highly successful across various physical systems and with different types of physical quantity, allowing for the extraction of valuable information such as insights into long-range correlations, quantum criticality, and topological properties. In the arsenal of the physicist, two prominent types of probes stand out: fluctuations of observables, and entanglement measures. Disentangling physical information encoded in such probes from the geometric characteristics of the selected region represents a complex and important challenge, which this project shall address. This internship aims at introducing the topic of entanglement in quantum many-body systems through the lens of Lifshitz field theories. These are non-relativistic theories, characterized by a Rokhsar-Kivelson groundstate, which is a quantum state whose Hilbert space is spanned by the configurations of a classical model. We will focus on the critical Lifshitz theory in 2 + 1 dimensions, and study certain multipartite entanglement measures. In particular, we will explore universal aspects of entanglement in subregions with corners.

Clément Berthière
Laboratory : LPT - UMR 5152
Team : Mathematical physics
Team Website
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